Believe it or not, there are like almost 6 other drafts awaiting to be publish onto the blog. Yes I am really aware of bakers losing the mojo to post updates, but trust me, every single day is a living torment for me whenever I pass by this blog. School assignments and tests really suck the living hell out of a baker. You bake a lot to cope with the stress, but you just can't type anymore.
Anyway, this is long overdue. Remember my post below about pavlova? Now here's the 2nd attempt.
I wouldn't say this one's better, but it definitely did not sunk as much as my first Pav. However, I think I under baked it :D
Nonetheless it was still delicious as hell, slightly more marshmallow and pillow like inside, and the crispy outer shell is so much more thicker as compared to the previous Pav. Topping's the same, rosewater and strawberries with cream.